Let’s make a simple panel with a border layout:
var panel = new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: document.body, title: 'Border Layout', layout: 'border', width:700, height:400, items: [{ region: 'north', layout: 'fit', frame: true, html: 'This is North!', height: 150 },{ region: 'west', layout: 'fit', frame: true, border: false, html: 'This is West!', width: 200, }, { region: 'center', layout: 'fit', frame: true, width: 400, html: 'This is Center!', border: false }, { region: 'east', layout: 'fit', frame: true, border: false, html: 'This is East!', width: 200 },{ region: 'south', layout: 'fit', frame: true, html: 'This is South!', height: 150 }] });There are few points to remember when working with border layout. I have listed few important points:
- When you use border layout, you should always have width and height of the panel defined. If these are not defined, the panel is not displayed properly.
- North & South region must have height information for proper display.
- East & West region must have width information for proper display.
- Center region is a must for the border layout.
Here is the screen shot of our simple panel:
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