June 03, 2010

Handling Events in ExtJS Charts

After publishing "Getting started with ExtJS Charts" article last week, I got a question on handling event in ExtJS charts. So, in this article we will discuss about the event handling. Before we present the reader’s issue, let’s have a look at how to handle events.

The documentation of chart package is really bad! I wonder why ExtJS team is not updating it. I would actually love to see a java script based chart library (built by ExtJs team) rather than YUI charts being used. Another option for developers would be to use other charting tools available. But for now, let's get back to event handling.

You can attach custom event handlers just like how you do for any other ExtJS component. You can use the listeners property or use methods like on and addListener.

Now if you have a look at the Cart's source code you will find few hidden events:
  • itemmouseover
  • itemmouseout
  • itemclick
  • itemdoubleclick
  • itemdragstart
  • itemdrag
  • itemdragend
Unfortunately, I found some of these not working as it should be. Even forums seem to have less detail about these events.

Item Click Event (itemclick):
Item click event is invoked when a chart item is clicked. With this event you can do drill down, update another chart or do other dynamic effects on the chart. Let’s dive into the code to get a better understanding.

First let’s set up our data store:
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
    fields:['month', 'sales','rev'],
    data: [
            {month:'Jan', sales: 2000, rev: 3000},
            {month:'Feb', sales: 1800, rev: 2900},
     {month:'Dec', sales: 2650, rev: 3300}
We will create a simple column chart using this store:
new Ext.Panel({
    title: 'A Demo Application',
    renderTo: 'container',
    items: [{
 xtype: 'columnchart',     
        store: store,
        xField: 'month',
 yField: 'sales',
 listeners: {
            itemclick: function(o) {
         var record = store.getAt(o.index);
  Ext.Msg.alert('Item Selected',
                    "You Clicked on Sales: " +rec.get('sales') + 
                    " for " + rec.get('month'));
In the above code, I have used listeners property to specify my itemclick events handler. Using the parameter passed to the event’s method, we will be able to access all the necessary information. Here I am just displaying the value of sales.

Item Mouse Over Event (itemmouseover):
itemmouseover event is fired when user mouse over an item. This can be used for display some dynamic selection. For example, let’s assume we had a data grid with the same values ie sales and revenue and we would like to automatically select the row when use mouse over on an item in the chart.

We will introduce a data grid that will render the same data store. This time, I will make use of the line chart and display both sales and revenue details.
new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'A Demo Application',
        renderTo: 'container',
        height: 350,        
        items: [{
     xtype: 'linechart',
            store: store,
     xField: 'month',
     xAxis: new Ext.chart.CategoryAxis({
                 title: 'Month'
     yAxis: new Ext.chart.NumericAxis({
         majorUnit: 500
     series: [{
  yField: 'sales',
  displayName: 'Sales',       
  yField: 'rev',
  displayName: 'Revenue'
     listeners: {
  itemmouseover: function(o) {
             var myGrid = Ext.getCmp('myGrid');
     xtype: 'grid',
     title:'The Sales Grid',
     store: store,
     height: 350,
     width: 300,
     stripeRows: true,
     sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),

The area of interest would be to see how we did it. Have a close look at the itemmouseover event handler. Basically, the key to manipulation is the object that is passed to the event handler. Using this you will be able to access not only the index but also the chart object itself. The attributes of this object are:
  • Component – The chart component itself.
  • Index – The index position of the item in store.
  • Item – The row from store corresponding to the index. You can access individual attributes of the row.
  • seriesIndex – The index position of the series. The values starts with 0.
  • type – Name of the event
  • x – x coordinate 
  • y – y coordinate

Drag Events:
itemdrag, itemdragstart and itemdragend are used for drag events. I tried making use of these events to make a graph wherein user will be able to drag the points and modify the values. Unfortunately, I am stuck! If I get it running, I will present it in future.

Double Click Event (itemdoubleclick):
I had very bad time working with this event! It just doesn’t get fired. From the forum discussions I see that this event might not be implemented yet. I wonder why, but It would have been great if user can double click on a specific month’s sales and he get it a detail report to download.

Now, lets tackle the reader's problem.

Reader’s problem:
The reader asked how the click event works and how to know which series was clicked.

Now, solving this is very easy. You can handle click using the itemclick event and to identify the series and values you can make use of the values provided by the object. Just modify the as shown below:
itemclick: function(o){
 var rec = store.getAt(o.index);
  Ext.Msg.alert('Item Selected',
                "You Clicked on Sales: " +rec.get('sales') + 
                " for " + rec.get('month'));
  Ext.Msg.alert('Item Selected',
               "You Clicked on Revenue: " +rec.get('rev') +
               " for " + rec.get('month'));

Well, thats all for now. Let me know your feedback through comments or my contact form. Enjoy the day and time for me to relax!

Read other ExtJS related articles!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS. I have been working trying to figure out this answer since I posted it last week. This is definitely going to help in my applications.

Mahesh Kumar Soundarrajan said...

hai!.. in this coding o.seriesIndex is not fetching any data from the object.. Please give me solution for this.. my coding:

listeners: {
itemmouseover: function(obj){
//var myGrid=Ext.getcmp('myGrid');
itemclick: function(obj){
var rec=store.getAt(obj.index);
Ext.Msg.alert('Series Index',obj.series);
Ext.Msg.alert('Clicked..','Sales of Month '+rec.get('month')+' :'+rec.get('sales')+' Crs.');
Ext.Msg.alert('Clicked..','Revenue of Month '+rec.get('month')+' :'+rec.get('revenue')+' Crs.');

Thank you..

Olakara said...

@bala, did you check what is the value using a firebug or chrome developer tool? what is the value that you have?

Billa said...

how can I listen to these events on MVC?? in controller??

Olakara said...

@billa, these tutorials are not for ExtJs 4. All the above code are for 3.x.