Cascading combo box can help in avoiding huge combo boxes. You can provide the user with a drill down of options that you offer and this helps them narrow down the options to select. When you have large data to display, it would be better to avoid combo boxes and go for a list view.
For now, let’s take a simple form where the user is asked to select geographical location & language. The selection of city is made by selecting country and region. So, we have three combo box:
- To select region (Continent)
- To select country
- To select city
Now, let’s get our hands dirty with the code. We will have a data store for each of the comobo boxes. In this tutorial, we will use Json store. You should be able to use any other store Ext JS library provide. Let me introduce the store for holding continents:
var mainStore = new{ autoLoad: true, url: '/GetContient', fields: ['item','value'] });The store is very simple and straight forward. We set three properties of the json store. Unlike other dropdowns, the continent is starting point of our cascading. In order to load it along with the form, we will use autoLoad property of the stores. You need to define the url from which the store will be loaded & the fields array provides information on the fields.
The other two stores are slightly different. They will be loaded through selection of the respective drop downs. So, they are not initially loaded with values. Here are the stores for country and city:
var countryStore = new{ autoLoad: false, pruneModifiedRecords: true, url: '/GetCountry', fields: ['item', 'value'] }); var cityStore = new{ autoLoad: false, pruneModifiedRecords: true, url: '/GetCity', fields: ['item', 'value'] });We have set pruneModifiedRecords property inorder to clear records each time the store is loaded. Now we have our stores ready. Let’s code our form and its fields.
Apart from the three drop downs, I will have a text field for keying in the language. We will render the directly onto the HTML document’s body tag. So, here is the code:
var Example = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Example of Cascading combos', renderTo: document.body, width: 400, frame: true, items: [{ xtype: 'form', url: '/FormSubmitURL', id: 'ex-form', method: 'post', defaults: { anchor: '95%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Continent', emptyText: 'Select a Continent', store: mainStore, editable: false, allowBlank: false, forceSelection: true, valueField: 'value', displayField: 'item', triggerAction: 'all', hiddenName: 'continent', id: 'continent', listeners: { 'select' : function(field,nval,oval) { countryStore.load({ params: {'id': } }); } } }, { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Country', emptyText: 'Select a Country', store: countryStore, mode: 'local', editable: false, allowBlank: false, forceSelection: true, valueField: 'value', displayField: 'item', triggerAction: 'all', hiddenName: 'country', id: 'country', listeners: { 'select' : function(field,nval,oval) { cityStore.load({ params: {'id': } }); } } },{ xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'City', emptyText: 'Select a City', store: cityStore, mode: 'local', editable: false, allowBlank: false, forceSelection: true, valueField: 'value', displayField: 'item', triggerAction: 'all', hiddenName: 'city', id: 'city' },{ xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Language', name: 'language', id: 'language' }], buttons: [{ text: 'Submit', handler: function() { alert('Submit the form'); } }] }] });Now, lets focus on one of the combo boxes. Notice how we cascade the loading of the combo boxes using the select event. The select event callback function provides us with all the information we need. It has three parameters and they are:
- The combo box
- The newly selected field record
- Numerical index value of old selection
You can download the Javascript source code and try it. I have not included the any server side or ExtJS files with the package. Please provide your comments and suggestions. :)
Read other ExtJS related articles!
what is url: '/GetContient',
where i can get GetContient or i can write a php code which include select query for GetContinent if u have data base for all please post ...Thank in advance
/GetContient is just a URL.. you can use your choice of server side and implement it.
Thank your for sharing this code Abdel.
I need some help with this implementation, maybe you can help me.
I have a simpler scenario of not 3 but just 2 comboboxes and one is dependent of the other.
When I select a value from the first combobox the browser request the list of values for the second combo box with the appropriate filter.
BUT when I go to the second combox and I click on it to open the list, the browser send another request asking for the list of values but without the filter! So I get a wrong list of values for the second combobox.
This only happens on the first use of the form. After that everything works.
I'm using ExtJS 4.0.0 and I dont find any solution for this.
Thanks a lot.
Where can I share my code?
did you try posting this issue in forums? you can post it in Sencha forums or
Great information i like your post and get a lot of knowledge from this. you have done a great job well done keep it up.
James Parker…..
error 1706
I am following your example but i have only one combo and on select of that combo i want to load a jsonStore but i am not able to do that my code is :
items: [{
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: 'Continent',
emptyText: 'Select a Continent',
store: mainStore,
editable: false,
allowBlank: false,
forceSelection: true,
valueField: 'value',
displayField: 'item',
triggerAction: 'all',
hiddenName: 'continent',
id: 'continent',
listeners: {
'select' : function(field,nval,oval) {
params: {'id': }
var countryStore = new{
autoLoad: false,
pruneModifiedRecords: true,
url: '/GetCountry',
fields: ['item', 'value']
Please give some advice
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